02 March 2011

grayson is one

It's been an exciting time around the Uhlman household the last few days. Grayson's actual birthday was February 26th which we celebrated with just the four of us and the following day we had a party (more on the party later). I sound like a broken record but I really can't believe it has been a full year since the child joined the family. It seems like just yesterday I was begging the OB to please take the baby out - at 41 weeks I was beyond done.

On his big day, we celebrated by going to his big brother's last basketball game and then running some errands. I know...it was too exciting, but that's how we roll. After we got home, Grayson opened his presents. Well... Mayer opened most of the presents while Grayson watched. And for dinner I made some Grayson-friendly pesto and he had his first cupcake. Cupcake Time was awesome, he had it everywhere and just at the last second when he was all done, before Troy could attempt to clean him, he put both hands up through his hair. He required to be put straight into the tub to be undressed and immediately bathed. But it was totally worth it.

Yesterday, Grayson had his 12 month well baby appointment so here is all the wonderful and unique things about Grayson.
*weighs 23 pounds and is 29 inches long and wearing 18 month clothing, almost 18-24 month.
*almost completely on whole milk (no more bottles!!).
*eats just about everything we eat, he loves to eat. he wants whatever we want and will point and grunt until he gets it.
*is one happy baby 
*loves to make people laugh.
*says ma-ma, da-da, buh-buh, cat,  katze and gra. Buh-Buh is for our cat Belle Belle and Gra is for Grandpa and Katze is german for cat.
*the cat Buh-Buh is his most favorite thing in the whole wide world. If you ask where she is he will look for her and he loves to pet her. She is slowly coming around to him (much quicker than she did with Mayer).
*is walking everywhere. he likes when mayer chases him. grayson walks so fast and puts his arms straight back behind him. he looks like he's on the ski jump
*can bend down and stand back up without holding onto anything.
*can point and he is starting to wave bye-bye.
*loves to snuggle and get hugs. He will give big gross open mouth slobbery kisses if you ask for "grayson kisses"
*imitates his brother all the time with similar sounds and movements
*hates being put into a car seat or stroller - this has been since day 1 but what are you going to do
*has so many funny expressions and sounds - one vocal baby
*has finally figured out that toys do more things than just go in your mouth. will actually push cars and make noises
*loves to take all of his toys out of their basket and then put them all back into the basket (very helpful!)


11 months

Cupcake Time

1 comment:

  1. so glad you're doing this! it's so neat to see what the boys are up to & their milestones & wacky lovable antics!! yay! love it!!!
